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broadband receiver中文是什么意思

用"broadband receiver"造句"broadband receiver"怎么读"broadband receiver" in a sentence


  • 宽频带接收机


  • The designing of super - regenerative theory - based broadband receiver for direct - sequence spread - spectrum communication system
  • Multi - channel deconvolution , based on multi - channel signal analysis , is presented to recover receiver function from three - component teleseismic p waveforms clustered within certain backazimuth and epicenter distance , to increase the resolution of receiver function . wavelet inversion is also introduced to broadband receiver function , to solve for nonuniqueness cased by linear approximation of nonlinear problem , and broadband receiver function is decomposed into multi - resolution versions , and the inversion result for the low - resolution version is iteratively taken as the initial model for the high - resolution , and gradually obtain the inversion model for broadband receiver function
用"broadband receiver"造句  
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